Technology is a powerful tool which enables students with learning and attention problems to minimize access demands that can hinder them in the paper-and-pencil world. We use the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) approach of “Universal Design for Learning” to develop Education Action Plans that incorporate appropriate technology strategies in the home school, and workplace. The computer network at Ivy Prep enables Ivy Prep students to access and develop material using either the PC or Mac platform. As students develop familiarity with these tools, they are able to expand their use as a way of expressing their ideas with success, creativity and independence.
To learn more about technology-based educational strategies, visit:
We believe that educational and traditional computer technologies serve as critical tools for bright individuals with learning issues. Our expertise runs the spectrum, from breaking down the process of using traditional programs such as word processors and spreadsheets in a learning-style friendly manner to using an array of customized supplementary tools.
A few examples of technology that we integrate at Ivy Prep include:
o Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) such as Palm Pilots for scheduling and executive functions development
o Graphic organizers to brainstorm and outline term papers and long-term projects
o Speech-to-Text software strategies for dysgraphic (writing disordered) students who need to increase efficiency in output
o Predictive word processors that alleviate output demands for emergent writers
o Text-to-Speech software strategies for students with difficulties in language processing or editing.
o Use of Internet reference sites to systematically research and present material in one’s own voice
o Drill-and-Practice software to develop keyboarding strategies and long-term storage of facts
o Software that facilitates specific word retrieval for students with word-finding difficulty
o Use of other adaptive technology such as portable keyboards, FM units, digital tape recorders, and video recorders to access, process, store, and impart information in a customized manner
o Selection of learning-style appropriate keyboarding, writing process and editing software.
We educate students about the range of technology-based tools that are available and how to integrate them in a seamless way to their school and home learning experiences. This enables students to focus on the learning process by reducing the strains of output demands that can frustrate them. We also can provide referrals for proper installation and home use of computer technology. We provide guidance in reinforcing technology-based remediation at home and school.
To see examples of such tools visit these sites: